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Tuesday 27 March 2012

Samsung Galaxy SII Ice Cream Sandwich update - when will I get it?

Now Samsung has confirmed the Samsung Galaxy S2 Ice Cream Sandwich android update is landing next week, here's our constantly updated hub of all information for the next level of Android on your flagship Samsung phone.
The issue with Android updates is the method is so staggered, leading to consumers getting angry at the length of time it takes them to get the next generation of program.
One time Google throws out the source code to the manufacturers, it is up to them to divert resources to combining the latest version of Android with their hardware- this can take longer if there is a skin walking atop the OS, as is the case with the Galaxy S2.
& one time that is complete, the likes of Vodafone & O2 then must make sure there's no issues with the new firmware walking with their networks- it may sound trivial, but you don't need something like this happening - so check below to see how long you'll be likely to wait for the next generation program to land on your Galaxy S2.
Update: It looks like you need to plug your Galaxy S2 in to your computer & access the new Ice Cream Sandwich update by Kies. The update won't show up in the Settings > About phone > Program update > Update option on the handset.